Network and advanced installation information

There are different ways installing reviTTools on a single computer or distributing on a complete network environment.


Standalone installation

1. Download the latest reviTTools build from
2. Install reviTTools on your computer.
3. AFTER PURCHASING, copy your key file to the reviTTools program directory. (Typically C:\Program Files\reviTTools 2013)
4. Start your Revit application and enjoy the fully functionality of reviTTools!


Network installation - Manual publishing

If you are distributing reviTTools on your network, you should publish the reviTTools program directory on each user's computer. (AFTER PURCHASING you should include the key file in this folder.)

Additionally you have to publish the reviTTools.addin file as well.

Non-user-specific location:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\ Addins\2013\reviTTools.addin


User-specific location:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\ Addins\2013\reviTTools.addin



Network installation - Server usage

Optionally you can place the reviTTools program directory on your server. (AFTER PURCHASING you should include the key file there.)

In this case you have to update and publish only the reviTTools.addin file as above on the user's computer, including the part with <Assembly>, pointing to the right server location.

<Assembly>ServerPath\reviTTools 2013\reviTTools.dll</Assembly>


Network installation
Security settings for .NET applications on shared drive - .NET 4.0 /Revit 2012 or +/

If you try to run reviTTools from a shared or mapped drive and you get an error while starting Revit saying "System.IO.FileLoadException" please do followings.

Error message
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///...\reviTTools.dll' or one of its dependencies.
Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515


1. Open Revit.exe.configuration file with a text editor.
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Architecture 2012\Program\Revit.exe.cfg

2. Add following lines.

   <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>


Network installation
Security settings for .NET applications on shared drive - .NET 3.5 and before /Revit 2011 and before/

If you try to run reviTTools from a shared or mapped drive but the reviTTools ribbon doesn't appear in Revit please ensure the proper security settings for .NET applications. You should grant rights to use DLLs on shared or mapped drives.

1. Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration

2. In the configuration window go to: Runtime Security Policy > Machine > Code Groups > All_Code

3. Right-click on All_Code and select New

3. After it restart Revit and you can access the reviTTools ribbon




Silent installation

Additionally there are silent installation possibilities as well.

Please use the SILENT switch and the LANG option if required as in the following sample.

reviTTools_2013_6.1.0.exe /SILENT /LANG=de


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